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A Little About
Aaron Draper Shattuck
In 1866 Aaron Draper Shattuck rented a home in Weatogue, Connecticut. He painted scenes in Simsbury, Granby, and Tariffville. At this time, Shattuck was introduced to the attractive landscape of Granby, with its rolling hills and winding streams.
Because of his love of nature, he was enamored with the natural features that Granby had to offer. Consequently, four years later, in 1870, Shattuck bought a farm of 28 acres in West Granby, where he raised prize sheep and cows. It was there that he continued painting and inventing until his death in 1928.
Shattuck's 50th wedding anniversary photo . It was taken on his front lawn in Granby in 1910.
Shattuck's favorite sheep, Billie. He painted Billie during the Granby Farm Days period.
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